The ILTexas Keller Saginaw High School Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a
non-profit, all-volunteer group committed to enriching our children's educational experience and building a vibrant community at our school.
Members of the PTO work collaboratively with our school administration and teachers to make ILTexas Keller Saginaw High School an outstanding place for students to be grow and learn.
The PTO is an active, inclusive organization designed to help meet needs at our
school, through volunteer opportunities, fundraising and a variety of programs
and activities. Our mission is to help parents and other school supporters stay connected, provide support and programming for students and teachers, and foster community spirit.
One integral part of our mission is our fundraising programs, used to purchase
classroom supplies, technology and other equipment. We appreciate the support of everyone who helps raise these funds that are so critical to the success of our students.
Your involvement is welcome and appreciated. Your involvement will help you feel
more connected at school, and more a part of your child's learning experience. To
learn about opportunities through the PTO, please contact a member of the PTO Executive Board.